Just past Minningdale on the Huggate Road is a lovely old ash tree. It is a sunny, bright day which proved deceptive. I had been painting quickly due to the biting wind, trying to finish it. However, I just had to stop as my fingers became very painful with the cold. I struggled to get this far and would normally have continued to add more fine detail. Though looking at it now I realise it will do. Ragworts stands on the horizon. It lacks some detail like a suggestion of windows and I am tempted to add these at home. My preferred way is to revisit on a warmer day to add them. I may just leave it as it is, a January day. As I painted cars passed heading for Huggate and Warter. Farming vehicles, 4x4s occasionally passed, in a hurry and I wondered if the distant sound of shooting required their attention. Did not see any kite, or roadside pheasants but did watch an almost impossibly small bird, probably a wren, furtively scuttle through the hedge bottoms opposite. Avian flu control areas are not far away and must be a worry to the local shoots with their breeding stock, hope it is evolved soon. 12x10 inch oil on canvas.
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