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Tuesday 11 July 2023

Thistle heads in cattle bed grasses.

Saw this view after dog walkies and thought the foreground thistles and grass seed heads would provide an interesting reminder of this time, a time of summer, strawberries and cream, Wimbledon and cricket. The weather is changeable with showers forecast.  Earlier when walking along the trodden paths I was struck by the huge number of cattle, all lying down, some difficult to see in the deep, seed headed, pale grass, most of the cattle had their eyes shut and seemingly all were chewing. Walking George along the pathways, across the Westwood, often finds you within three feet of a steer, either recumbent or standing. They soon get used to people, being young castrated bullocks seems to make them less aggressive, their intelligent eyes and inquisitive behaviour can sometimes be amusing. Recently a horse box managed to break off a substantial sycamore branch and when it was left in the road, bullocks from a wide area converged on it to eat the leaves, manna from heaven? The painting shows the thistles and pale seed heads, in the distance the omnipresent Minster watches, a building so important to Beverley and well used both as a church and as a place for musical recitals, Christmas Fairs and much more.
14x10 inch oil on canvas board.


My book of Yorkshire Wolds sketches is now being posted. Thanks to everyone who has purchased one, they have traveled to the USA, Europe, Canada and Japan…so if you want one drop me a line.

It is a limited edition with double page spreads which include notated sketches is now available from my online shop. A very short video of the book can be seen below..

Short video here. 

 Get yours today...before they are all gone.



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