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Friday 30 June 2023

Cottage in Milldale, Warter, East Riding of Yorkshire

The weather was still warm, seeking relief, I drove to the higher Wolds to gain a cooling breeze. However, once I arrived the wind proved too blustery to paint and I found myself seeking lower, more sheltered spots. After a dozen stops to check views I came across this cottage in Milldale, Warter, where I noticed a profusion of wild cranesbill, sometimes referred to a geranium, growing amongst tall grasses and umbels. The delicate pale  blue flowers, vapourize amongst grasses bringing the sky down to earth.  The ‘estate’ red brick cottage is amazingly situated, seemingly growing from the embracing trees of Milldale Plantation. Mill Lane, a hidden road, from Warter, meanders its way, over a stream, ‘The Washdyke’ , continuing to pass in front of the cottage as it heads towards Nunburnholme. I set up to paint and see several dark wolf spiders, alarmed by my shadow, they begin running through the grass, moths and grasshoppers become airborne, vanishing amongst the tall summered grasses. I had been bitten by a spider recently so placed a blanket down on top of the grass, I was wearing shorts and slim trainers which, I thought, were no defence to inquisitive arachnids. The painting progressed well until flies became too numerous for me to continue. At this place, not far from a stream and at least two springs, land is often waterlogged as evidenced by a profusion of medicinal butterbur. Of course these conditions suit flies and midges which buzz round, both the painting and any bare legs making progress a challenge. 

The owner of the cottage came over and we had a pleasant talk, they had lived there for 37 years and, I think, were moving house tomorrow. It will be a wrench for them to leave such a beautiful home.  This is another painting using only the three primaries plus white. I am finding this limited palette a challenge as well as an opportunity to improve my colour mixing. As I painted I listened to a radio which transported me to Lord's where the Ashes second test was being played. Consternation over the Baz ball approach seemed to be a repeating topic, but it is only day 2 of a 5 day match, who knows what will happen. 

Oil on 3x2 canvas. Painted at the site.

Available from my ONLINE STORE.


My book of Yorkshire Wolds sketches is now being posted. Thanks to everyone who has purchased one, they have traveled to the USA, Europe, Canada and Japan…so if you want one drop me a line.

It is a limited edition with double page spreads which include notated sketches is now available from my online shop. A very short video of the book can be seen below..

Short video here. 

 Get yours today...before they are all gone.


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