Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Cow Wold from near Martinhome Farm, above Thixendale, Yorkshire Wolds.

An interesting day exploring the Wolds found me at Bailey Dale where I noticed some activity at the gated entrance. A sheep dog was keeping the sheep assembled running back and forth.  I wondered then, why a shepherd would be running up the hillside towards the fence near the road. Then I saw him climb over. I guessed that a sheep had got out. It would be on the road which drops steeply into Warter, bends making visibility potentially fatal. I rushed back to the road and slowly started walking down the hill. I could not see far as the bends hid what was going on. Then I spotted it. A well grown lamb was running along the verge towards me. I spread my arms realizing it was pretty useless as it could easily have dodged me. So as it approached I started clapping loudly. It turned, and started back, by now cars coming up the hill had seen what was going on and stopped. The lamb hesitated as it approached the cars but then sped past them. At this moment the shepherd appeared from the bend and waved his appreciation. Phew. 

I returned to the car and after several stops to check views, I found myself here, above the village of Thixendale. I stop just before Martinholme Farm and walk George over Wandales towards Long Dale. A stoat, which does not see me straight away, is running towards me, before stopping and looking, bandit faced, it pauses then about turns and hustles off. To my right I spot a roe deer running through some brush. Returning to the car I give George a drink then set up my French easel and canvas. I am looking Cow Wold in the distance, Cow Wold Barn, the brick building and some bales can just be seen,  I will again restrict myself to using three primaries, plus white. I sketch out the view and G comes up to have a chat, I smile as I think of Rigoletto.  It is so good to meet local people and learn a little more about the area, so thankyou G for sharing. Which reminds me of the amazing accommodation hereabouts, a good place to stay locally is Country Huts at Thixendale.

Local dew ponds had lots of newts about, skaters, diving beetles and whirligigs.

3 x 2 feet professional grade canvas, painted with artisan oil paints, French Ultramarine blue, Cad Red, Lemon Yellow as well as a tube of Titanium White, completely plein air.

Online store here, with more via my blog.


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