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Thursday 17 September 2020

Looking south towards Carden Dale and Warter village Church Spire

17th September 2020

Detective work took me to some new areas of the Wolds near Huggate where I found some very interesting earthworks, amazing views and George delighted in discovering a product of some beautiful red cows!!!.

Eventually, I decided to retrace a walk done recently from Cobdale Cottage which goes past Well Dale, onwards to set aside pheasant/partridge  cover before reaching another road twixt Warter and Huggate. I stopped at this road and walked in the opposite direction towards Cobdale Cottage. The cover of mixed plants included sunflowers which were now flowering strongly. Tall white headed thistles provided foreground interest, indeed, in places mauve heads still flowered. Pheasants are numerous here and take full advantage of the cover. Partridges seem less abundant though several can be seen scuttling along the path and hedge bottoms, before drumming the air with flapping wings. I was told by a local couple that at present it is the partridge shooting season, to be followed by the pheasants a little later. I mention an incident recently when a car passed me at the end of the path. It had a particular registration ending with ANT. They knew the amazing. I conjectured that the registration, if missing an H would give an amusing alternative overall word...but enough of that. They had a beautiful spaniel who made friends with George. I painted quickly, or rather sketched, as I will produce a larger image soon. Though, am now thinking that this study is, in fact, rather acceptable and I will keep it. Another couple walk past, stop, and at a social distance, chat about the area. They give me some good intelligence about a local Dale, ( If you are reading this, I have found it and intend to visit sometime this weekend ).

The view is simple, with no obvious Dales to look down yet it speaks of this time of the year when crops are being combined, bales deposited from huge mechanical ovipositors and with game shooting in full swing. As I walk around the fields, I see green feeding stations and water containers at the edge of sweetcorn cover strips. 

I see pheasants, 

including white ones, 

run into sweetcorn safety. 

Reminding me of the Hitchcock film North by Northwest when Gregory Peck does something similar to evade a crop sprayer plane. 


12x10 inch, oil on canvas board,

Email me for details. SOLD 


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