Wednesday, 22 January 2020

View from Beverley Golf Club.

Another old watercolour painting, done in situ and treated to show the maximum of detail in a minimalist way. The Minster is obvious but to the extreme right, behind a hawthorn hedge, the roof of Beverley Grammar School can be seen. The dark skyline shadow in the centre was the old Barker's Mill, I think, later to be Paul's Mill at the top of the Beck. Once, when painting here I noticed a car parked adjacent to the hedge and saw men beating the bushes. It was a strange site and on inquiring what they were doing, I was told that they had come from the south of England. They were, in fact collecting hawthorn berries to take back with them, presumably to plant, though perhaps there was another reason. It seemed unlikely that they needed the berries, all very odd.

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