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Wednesday 11 September 2019

Bempton Cliffs, near Bridlington, East Yorkshire.

22nd August 2019.

It was late afternoon, about 4.30 when I visited the Bempton RSPB reserve.
The weather had been wet, lots of rain all day until about just before I arrived. So, I wandered down the path from the reserve shop, turning right at the cliff edge I saw this view. It seemed a good subject as it reflected the sheer height and massiveness of the cliffs. Loud bird sounds provided a cacophony as the strong wind pummeled me on the cliff top. Soaring gannets below floated over the sea, eventually settling in linear groups on the cliff edges. I was glad of the cliff edge fence next to me as I painted, it offered some reassurance and provided a spot to tie my bag to.
Oil on canvas board, 12 x 10 inch

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