Sunday, 16 March 2025

Totem at St. Peter’s Church, Hutton.

 I popped round to Hutton to paint the old sycamore tree, now a stump, or as some people would say a totem. The focus is very much on the tree with the suggestion, in the background, of the old vicarage. The vicarage is hidden by trees and bushes. In a way I see nature both dead and yet alive, the totem will soon be gone the vicarage obscured. I love the fact that an ELM tree, has been planted nearby. The elm is a disease resistant variety and I very much look forward to seeing it in leaf. Below are more paintings of the church and another of the vicarage. I have had to work quickly before the  views were obscured as trees get their leaves. Winter and early spring are wonderful times for painting and sketching, on sunny days the  dullish woodland and hedges glow with subtle colour and views usually hidden become visible.

All work is 14x10 inch, oil on canvas. Clicking each image will redirect you to my online store.

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