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Saturday 11 November 2023

Bryan Mills Beck from High Bridge, Lockington….

 It was late afternoon when I popped over to Lockington after walking George and saw this view. Standing on the bridge, holding the sketchbook, I was aware that the light would soon go. Also, as the temperature was  falling quickly, I regretted not wearing a jacket, instead relying on my old mums hand knitted, electric blue jumper. Thus, the necessity to do this sketch quickly was my paramount concern. One or two people passed, a young couple with a large retriever type dog and a solo walker. To my right is Front Street, recently flooded by the overflowing stream at Kilnwick Lane end, now, the stream is lower, less coloured and the flooding has gone. I remember Kevin, who lived not far away and think of Linda, and how she is coping. Kevin kindly gave me a book which was all about Lockington, it’s history, people and the changing times. I have read it several times,  I value it very much. To my left, is Thorpe, though there is no obvious boundary, unless it is the stream perhaps, something to find out I think. In the summer I have seen egrets standing in the stream which still seems amazing considering their relatively recent arrival as a species from hotter climes. The old chapel, in the distance, has been converted now thus preserving it’s facade and features especially the windows and entrance, it is good to know it is being used.

2024 Calendars now available here.

My sketchbook is also available here

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