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Wednesday 23 September 2020

Forest sprites are dancing, Merebank Plantation, Deep Dale near Warter, East Yorkshire.

A visit to the sublime Deep Dale on Nunburnhole Wold finds me in Merebank wood. It is a late sunny day on the Wolds and it is quiet and sheltered here, on the path through the magical wood. There seems to be evidence of coppicing, though the trees are tall and mature. They look like arrangements of close knit families talking, standing tall and facing each other. The forest is deciduous, it is thinned, thus allowing light to penetrate which results in a rich ground cover. I think it must be a joy in spring, perhaps bluebells, maybe wild garlic...I must remember to return. It is part of the wonderful Warter Priory Estate and I am on a Bridleway path. Walking up a slight hill I reached the amphitheater of Deep Dale passing late flowering sunflowers, in a set aside strip at the edge of a blanched wheat field. Sunlight dappled the path and beams of light played adventurously, optimistically, fleetingly, playing tricks of hide and seek. On an earlier visit I had surprised a deer. We had looked at each other for a few seconds. It was stunning, standing, illuminated by the sun, a red statue against the yellow, green background. So, here is my sketch of the visit, hope you like it. Then onto Cold Wold....see next post.

Oil on canvas board, 12x10 inches, POA

Email me for details.


Flitting shadows dance, on

The forest floor,

The wood sprites are laughing,

Can you hear them?

Can you see them?


So as not to disturb them, 

I paint.

All is still,

All is quiet,

Except for distant droning tractor,

Baling chaff.

Dried grasses, stand blanched tall,

Then a crack,

Maybe a deer, 

I saw one here recently.

Packing up, stepping carefully

I say goodbye to my dancing friends,

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