Sunday, 28 February 2016

Sledmere House grounds, view of church.

Pen and ink 14 x 12 inch approx.
The weather temperature is cold at the moment yet today, we have had a wonderfully uplifting sunny day. Traveling the short distance to Sledmere House we detoured at Wetwang and used the minor road, a shortcut, to Sledmere. In the past this road tends to be easily damaged with large potholes. Repair work has made it more usable recently though it remains narrow in places. As we approached Sledmere we saw lots of snowdrops. Interestingly, it seems to be a practise to plant lots of snowdrops at the foot of significant trees either in the field edge hedges or very near to the hedge. Rather delightful to see and to anticipate as the drive progresses. Just before the tee junction is reached the road drops dramatically to the bottom of a minor wold valley. The road passes steeply banked, tree filled edges to the road which are abundant with more snowdrops. It is a real sign of spring arriving. At Sledmere we walked to the walled garden to see how the pond construction was progressing. At the moment the pond is a large circular hole - perhaps twenty feet diameter. A path around the pond using bricks is being constructed linking to access pathways. Leaving the walled garden, we see this view. I like to see the church and this is probably the best time to see it from here, as the leaves have not had time to form after winter.
Here is a link to the church, makes interesting reading.

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