Tuesday, 5 January 2016

St. Michael's Church, Cherry Burton, East Yorkshire.

St Micheal's Church, Cherry Burton, East Yorkshire - pen and ink sketch.
Well I bit the bullet and went for an eye test and ended up with varifocals. My concern was very much with painting, would they work at an easel? Also could I sketch with pen and ink? So, as the December weather was so wet, painting was out of the question therefore I decided to have a go at sketching a local church. It is my intention to some time, have an exhibition featuring local churches as I have done quite a few over the years. When I arrived at the church I got my pad and walked around the church to try and find a suitable view. This proved fruitless as the grounds are very limited, not allowing one to stand back far enough to sketch. So I found myself on the main road through the village, propped up against a lovely old leaning brick "estate" type wall. I used a biro type black pen and started with the top left corner of the tower. Experience gave me hope that the church would fit the paper and so it proved, just. Here, you can only see part of the church as I have scanned the picture using an A4 scanner, the picture is A3. The pad is a Bockingford paper 300g/m2 made by St. Cuthberts mill. Later I will add colour. I found that using the varifocals I had to check that the verticals were vertical. The left hand side of the tower looks as if it is not quite right but that is more to do with the tower shape I think. Well, this is my first post for 2016 so can I wish everyone a healthy, peaceful  and happy New Year.

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