Sunday, 30 December 2012

Long Lane, Beverley - pochade box sketch. Best wishes for the New Year

Pochade box sketch -looking west, view from Long Lane,Beverley oil on board 10" x 12"
Started late in the day - fighting against the failing light and the very cold, threatening weather. This view, looking west is a quick impression aiming to feature the sky in particular. The rain started to be more persistent causing me to stop - perhaps sooner than anticipated though maybe not a bad thing. The skies from Long Lane looking south and west are big skies allowing good studies for the student. Today the high wind caused the sky to be very changeable. Hope this captures the atmosphere.  Please contact me if you need any help or advice especially regarding the practicalities of painting outside - plein air.

Happy painting to all my followers and other visitors. Wishing you all a peaceful and happy new year.

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