Tuesday 30 July 2024

Dancing butterflies pirouette in a shadow world.

It was too hot for our usual walk so we took refuge in the ancient woodland known as Burton Bushes. Walking along old pathways, memories of previous excursions came back to me. In a previous time I had come here regularly, a few times every month to paint the changing appearance of the wood. I recorded the woodland over a year, the seasons illustrated by the changing fauna, Today I decided to paint a very quick and loose view showing the light through the trees. It was thankfully, much cooler here below the leaf canopy. I noticed lots of thin stems rising above a dense carpet of foliage. The stems held small white flowers which were just going over. The was enchanters nightshade (Circaea lutetiana). This place proved the right choice for a dog walk. I quickly set up my pochade box and began to paint the scene. I paused to watch two brownish butterflies circling each other, at the same time climbing high in the sky. I imagine these scenes may be territorial disputes and remember watching hoverflies chasing each other before one would return to the same spot it occupied before being distracted. The painting has been produced quickly and loosely with brush marks clearly visible. The result is to capture a moment in time reflecting the hot day and the summer optimism. All had been quiet but now I heard the distant bark of another dog. George heard it too and sat up. I decided to pack up and return to the car where I gave George a long drink of water in the shade of a sycamore. Since arriving, over towards the racecourse I noticed that many cars were now parked on the Westwood. Outside broadcast vans were parked inside the racecourse car parks. I quickly drove back home passing enthusiastic race goers walking up to the racecourse. The heat being intense caused me to consider their safety and also, the horses running would also  be stressed. However, measures to alleviate any problems are well developed. 14x10 inch oil on canvas board.


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