Thursday 16 May 2024

Cow parsley bridled hedge.

The weather forecast predicted rain in the morning. George decided he needed an early walk before I finished my morning coffee!! He is a demanding dog and needed to go, so I took him for a local walk on the Westwood. Then I drove towards Etton remembering a view I had seen recently. I had painted it before, in winter, and now that spring / early summer is here the trees are greening and I wondered about painting it again as a series. There is no obvious crop in the field, however. Deep ruts remain creating a terrain of hiding places for wildlife. Male mallard ducks have taken up residence in the field which is a little odd as it contains no water. Earlier I had seen a small number of lapwing. I remember seeing a male lapwing flying a jagging, diving courtship display. I pondered if it were a warning display as the ducks seemed to be close to where the lapwing had settled, maybe trying to protect their young. I moved on towards Etton West Wood and spotted this view. I immediately stopped and set up my pochade box easel, using a 14x10 canvas board. I like, very much this time of year, the greens are new and fresh, the cow parsley dominates the verges and here, it lines a trimmed hawthorn hedge. The oil seed rape shines in the sun, then as a cloud passes it changes. It seems alive becoming shadowed and then partly bright, almost pulsing as it it were a huge organism. In the distant woodland I see two pale bushes which I assume are Hawthorne. I am leaving it a little late to capture the Hawthorne, a disappointment partly caused by the wet weather.
 I start painting. I sketch out the main elements before beginning to add middle distance greens, being careful to note the darker and lighter areas. The hedge is added and the visible soil. The oil seed rape is added, then using a dry small hog, I add the cow parsley. The distant trees are next and, unusually, I add the sky lastly. I see a small suggestion of pale, lime green crosswort and add it quickly. As I started setting up a large raptor took off near me. It floated up from the nearby hedge, from behind it. It confused me as it had a red kite pale head but the wings of a buzzard, and of course no forked tail. So it must have been a young buzzard.
Oil on canvas board, 14x10 inch.
16th May 2024.


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