Saturday 20 April 2024

Looking north from Aldro Wood, Birdsall towards a hidden Malton.

Travelled towards Leavening then took the Birdsall road which branches off to the right. After a short drive I reach Aldro Wood and park up. I get my iPad out and realise that I have left the stylus at home and so try using my finger to draw with. It sought of worked but I was’nt happy with it. I was about to return home when I realised I had my pochade box and tripod together with primed canvas boards. Hmmnn…I decided to get a board out and started to paint the nearby wood on the right, Aldro Plantation, with Five Acres woodland beyond. I worked quickly and remembered that I had more boards. I got one out and extended the painting to make a diptych, Then I realised that I could use a sketch board, it was long enough to support another, third canvas. I continued to work quickly. I realised that I could just about make out Malton as well as Langton and Burythorpe roof tops. The amazingly situated church at Burythorpe could also just be made out. The fabulous oil seed rape crop is developing quickly and dominates the foreground. Distant fields also shine bright. 
So, here we have it, a triptych. I like the colours, very fresh an springlike with the North Yorkshire Moors providing the horizon.
Perhaps you could hit the image to see it enlarged.
36 x 10 inches.
Oil on canvas board.
Three canvases all 12 x10 inch.

George asleep with his head on a folded blanket the painting behind.

The three canvases on my adapted easel


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