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Saturday 22 October 2022

I am betwixt....near William Dale.

22nd October, 2022
I stopped along the narrow winding road which leaves Fimber and was heading for Burdale when I thought about painting the farm house at Burdale,  which is normally hidden from view. I knew a spot which would allow me to see the farm enshrouded with turning trees so I pulled over. A chap was standing in the middle of the field, occasionally waving a flag and looking down the valley towards the farmhouse. He came over and explained that there was to be a shoot. We chatted for some time, then we heard a noise, looking over to the road we saw a canvas sided trailer speed paste with waving occupants, I suspected they may be beaters. I moved on to the three trees at BURDALE and stopped. I am at the boundary of Burdale, I can stand with one foot in Thixendale and one in Burdale. The hillside was on fire. I like this place, from the road it is possible to see the delightfully named, delicate, tiny William Dale. Which reminds me about a newly qualified Doctor. 
I looked at the winding road, passing nearby Raisthorpe Manor and Thixendale, it was covered in shadows with sunlit flashes here and there. I decided to try and paint a large 36 x 24 inch canvas, to try and capture the shadows as well as the autumned hillside. George sat at my feet. All was quiet save for cyclists, a couple of walkers and a local farmer. The sun shone from my left, there was no wind down here in the valley meaning the painting progressed well. Afterwards, walking George at Thixendale I found out the sad news that the local pub was to close at the end of the month. Seems such a shame as it is a focal point for the local people and also provides hospitality for walkers.


Margo said...

I thought I was reading a passage out of a novel, have you written any books?
The painting is beautiful.

Margo said...

I thought I was reading a passage out of a novel, have you written any books?
The painting is beautiful.