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Monday 7 January 2013

Willow Lane land clearance

Farewell to a wonderful wild area.
Noticed the attractive wild area off Willow Lane was being cleared today. Such a shame that it is being developed though inevitable I suppose. Deer seen on the area will now be excluded and forced away. The small self seeded trees are gone - smashed with a flailing attachment to a caterpillar tracked, JCB, type of vehicle. I quickly drew this picture - if the site is built on the view will go. The area no doubt sheltered lots of frogs which were due to emerge soon and lay spawn in the stream. Newts also inhabited the area though was not aware of the great crested newt , unfortunately.

Video of machine clearing trees here.

Can you spot the two rabbits - they came out of the undergrowth and, after observing me happily munched away.

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